Saturday, May 17, 2008

So Let Us Speak Of...


As most of you know, I recently had a very sad break up (well it was sad for me at least, apparently he's doing fine). I haven't really talked to him, once or twice or thrice, just cordial conversation. Yesterday I went to a ward activity by myself, because my roommates were in Vegas (did I mention that they didn't invite me?). I wasn't looking forward to socializing by myself, but I decided that I needed to.

So I get there a little late, and it seems that everyone is broken up into groups. I ask to be randomly placed in a group and by the time I get in there and the door is shut behind me, it's too late. There he is! Don't get me wrong, I have no bitter feelings towards him, it's just very sad for me to be around him.

So here is the activity: our group was given a slip of paper with a book and a movie title written on it. Our mission: write a skit to combine the two. Our slip had Pride and Prejudice and Spiderman on it. They decided that Mr. Collins (a very awkward man who doesn't know when to stop trying to court someone) would try to court Mary Jane. Guess who got assigned these two parts? You guessed it. Joe (that is his name, in case you, the reader, don't know) was Mr. Collins and I was little Mary Jane. During the whole skit he was leaning on me and talking to me and touching my arm. It was torture. I had a fun part though, I got to shun him, put my hand in his face, and say things like "I'd rather die" and "Please leave me alone". Again, it was torture.

Afterwards I tried to make small talk with him, I had two stories to tell him that I knew he would appreciate. He laughed politely and then excused himself to the refreshment table. Whatever. Then the guy who had assigned us to those parts came up to me and started apologizing profusely, telling me that he didn't realize his mistake until afterwards, but thanking me for being a good sport. I forgave him. On the outside.

Awkward moments are my life.

Today at work, on of the guys I work with, who has Down Syndrome and one time put me on a guilt trip for drinking coffee, told me that he likes me a lot and asked me if I would like to go to the movies with him. I am not sure that I am allowed to do that. I don't know if I WOULD do that, because I am morally not allowed to lead on a man with a mental disablility. Regular men, yes. Down Syndrome man, no. Just kidding. I don't play games, EVER.


Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Hi Beth,
Yes, it's only me, your mother. That is a scary picture with the heart and the x-ray. But cool. When are you going to write again?